Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Last Hurrah + Revolutionary War Reenactment- This Saturday, 12-5 @ Liberty Lake!

Happy First Day of School!

As Mrs. Perez told me this morning, "my kids would have been much happier if the Camp Bus came for them this morning!" - but life goes on, and hopefully today was a great first day of school for your family!  Speaking of school and Liberty Lake, there was an excellent article today in the NY Times that correlates directly with the Liberty Lake FIVE POINTS that we build our program around:

Thanks to all of you that signed out petition- We had over 1000 signatures, and DEP has hinted that we WILL have a public hearing!  If you want to see what a flooded Liberty Lake looks like, check out the C'MON IRENE video on our YouTube channel:
But the main reason I'm writing to you, is that if your kids are looking for one last hurrah at Liberty Lake, this Saturday could be an amazing afternoon!  The local Jr. Greyhound Football and Cheer group is hosting a fun and affordable fundraiser open to the public (bring your friends) at Liberty Lake from 12-5pm, for $20 for adults and $10 for kids- There will be lots to do including swimming, mini-golf and boating- as well as Marty's famous Barbecue!

In addition to the typical Liberty Lake fun and fare, we will ALSO be hosting a REVOLUTIONARY WAR RE-ENACTMENT out on the Liberty Lake Point Field, with the 2nd PA Regiment:

Below is their press release- We hope you can make it out this Saturday, for some unique and truly memorable fun, that truly matches our name LIBERTY LAKE!


The rattle of musketry and thunder of cannon will mix with the sounds of fife and drum as The Second Pennsylvania Regiment of the Continental Line opens a window to the past and presents a vivid and exciting look at the soldier of the American Revolution at Liberty Lake this Saturday between 12 and 5pm.

The Second Pennsylvania Regiment is a colorful and exact recreation of an actual patriot military unit that fought in the War for Independence.  Founded in 1966, the organization is made up of history buffs from five states who have dedicated themselves to show the true appearance and tactics of the 18th Century soldier.

This respected living history group will provide a lively and accurate look at the typical infantry company of the period as the men perform the drill taught by Baron Von Steuben to Washington's troops at Valley Forge and stand almost shoulder to shoulder firing smoky volleys from their flintlock muskets. The unit is supported by blasts from one of the finest reproduction colonial field guns in existence. At the end of the demonstration, which includes an enthusiastic bayonet charge, the audience will be invited onto the field to talk with the members and see their uniforms and gear firsthand. Several firing demonstrations are scheduled throughout the afternoon.

Each man has dressed and equipped himself as a soldier of the original Second Pennsylvania appeared when it fought the British more than two centuries ago as part of Gen. "Mad Anthony" Wayne's division. All the items worn and carried by the individuals are painstakingly hand-crafted from existing specimens in museums and private collections--from the black tri-corner hats down to the buttons on the blue and red wool regimental coats.

The men are joined by a number of camp followers dressed in 18th Century costume who will demonstrate various camp skills used by the many women who accompanied their husbands on the long campaigns.

Renowned for its authenticity, the organization has appeared in films, television programs and major commemorations at historic sites in both the United States and Europe. Information about becoming a member of the organization will also be available at the event.

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