Monday, April 23, 2012

NEW Interactive Spirit Calendar!

The LLDC Web Team has brought the 2012 Spirit Calendar to life! This summer’s Spirit Calendar is action packed as usual, featuring everyone’s favorite classics, like Color War, Yacht or Not & Wet-Wild + some added new twists, including Fear Factor, “Holiday Hodge Podge” & more! 

With our new Interactive Spirit Calendar, we’ve made it easier for parents, campers & team members to know what’s on the Spirit Agenda each & every camp day! With this new format, you can now click on any of the 49 days in the Spirit Calendar, and a pop up will appear with all of the important details & information for the event! You can also click through the days as a slideshow if you prefer!

Click on the link below to check out the Interactive Spirit Calendar. Let us know if you have questions, email - 

2012 Interactive Spirit Calendar -

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