Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Camp Fun In Your Backyard

Hello!! It’s Hulla-Ball Jeff, and I’m here to let you know how to prepare for the upcoming camp season. Did you know many of our camp games can be played at home? This means you can practice before the first day of camp in be at the top of your game come day one! First game you can play is HULLA-BALL, my personal favorite, it’s simple all you need is chalk, a ball and three friends. Draw the four boxes in your driveway or backyard and you can play for hours! 

You can also play – Baseball/Softball, Basketball, Newcomb, Soccer, ULTIMATE FRISBEE (which I might be teaching this year so sign up for it now!) and Wall-Ball if you have the proper equipment, a large field and some friends. Lastly, I will teach you haw to play Ga-Ga AT HOME!!! This is tricky to do, but you can build a Ga-Ga pit out of picnic tables/benches by putting them on their side. Place all tables in a circle and you will be able to play Ga-Ga all year round and be that much closer to being the champ at the next Ga-Ga tournament!! Make sure to check back for tips and tricks on how to win at your favorite camp games this year!! See you all this summer!!!!! - Jeff

Who Will Win This Year???

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