Check out our amazing list of new things for the 2012 Camp Season!
New Electives!
Water Aerobics, Paintball for Seniors (two weeks), Balloon Art, Face Painting, Rock Out (literally a ROCK elective - throwing, skipping, painting, etc.), Golf with professionals from the Old York Country Club , Game Club, Movie Magic (make up), Twilight & Hunger Games, Jam Session
Facility Improvements!
Green House, New High Ropes Elements, Playgrounds, Twin Cedars Revamp, Tipis, Zoom Flume, Octagon Gaga Pit, Tee-Pee, Turtle Town, Floating Bridge
New Spirit Events!
Walk Like an Egyptian, Holiday Hodge Podge & Fear Factor
New Lunch Menu Items!
Chicken Fajitas, Raviolis + Pork Roll & Cheese
Lunchtime Initiative!
Following our 5-Points of Youth Development, we are creating a new DIY Camper-Clean-up initiative, with the incentive being that groups will be allowed to eat outside the tent, in new picnic areas!
Website Enhancements!
Interactive Spirit Calendar - you can now click on any of the 49 days in the Spirit Calendar, and a pop up will appear with all of the important details & information for the event!
Interactive Lunch Menu - Featuring calorie & carb counts, ingredients + more
More New & Nifty Initiatives!
Three Color War Teams: Red, White & Blue!
Teen Leadership Program Name Change: Entering 9th graders are now CITs – Campers in Transition & entering 10th graders are now LITs – Leaders in Training.
Late-Bus: leaving from Camp at 5:15 & going south on 295 -
■ Martin's (Rt. 38 and Marter Ave) - 5:30pm
■ Woodcrest Shopping Cntr (Berlin Road) - 5:50pm
■ FunPlex (Rt. 38) - 6:10pm
■ Martin's (Rt. 38 and Marter Ave) - 5:30pm
■ Woodcrest Shopping Cntr (Berlin Road) - 5:50pm
■ FunPlex (Rt. 38) - 6:10pm
Decision 2012 (Week 6): YOU are part of the process. We’re picking a BRAND NEW LLDC ELECTIVE- And YOUR vote counts!
Sunday Camp: July 15th! A day of camp for current campers and their friends - on a Sunday! More details coming soon!